A team leader once said to me, "Members of my team tell me I never told them about different changes when I can prove that I emailed them." I asked, "How many times do you advise them of the change?" The response was, "I emailed them once when the change was announced."
The reality of communication is that when team members are busy, they don't always retain new information. Additionally, some people don't even read their emails, especially if there are hundreds of unread emails in their inboxes. It just gets lost in the fray. When communicating, leaders need to take into consideration learning styles and communication biases.
Some people don't retain information or learn by reading only, and in other situations there are generations that prefer different communication modalities like instant messaging. It is important to use communication channels and tools that specifically work for your team and you can determine this asking or by trial and error.
Once you learn what works, then repeat your message several times using different communication modes like meeting announcements and discussions, policy issuances, and group chats to support retention by more of your team members. It is time to stop regarding repetition as irritating, it is important to shift your perception so you can view it as a very powerful communication practice.
With knowledge gained from almost 40 years of Fortune 500 and international consulting experience, Yvette shares her rich experience and proprietary model for changing businesses from the inside out. She is a thought leader in the areas of trust, leadership and organizational ecosystems, a multiple award-winning author and cultural consultant.
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